ANSER Panel authored a White Paper titled, “A Chemical or Biological Attack--We Are Not Ready, 27 August 2020”
Falls Church, VA., November 2, 2019
ANSER was commissioned to conduct a study to identify key actions to improve Chemical and Biological preparedness for combatant commands and the Military Departments. The study panel included key members of the Chemical and Biological Defense Program (CBDP) and was supported by an ANSER consultant panel comprised of three- and four-star retired combat leaders from all four Services and the National Guard Bureau with unparalleled senior military command experience. As a result of this study, ANSER provided recommendations in the following areas: Governance and Strategy, Advocacy/Threat (Risk), Capability Development, and CWMD Strategy. After the onset of COVID-19, ANSER authored a White Paper titled A Chemical or Biological Attack--We Are Not Ready that proposed that the risk of a biological event or attack was now higher than had been considered before. The paper proposes the creation of a DoD Chem-Bio Defense Warfighter Governance Board to assess whether the CBDP is meeting Service needs for a CB threat, with emphasis on CB preparedness and deterrence mission sets.
About Analytic Services, Inc. (ANSER)
ANSER was founded in 1958 as a public service research institute organized as a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to informing decisions that shape the nation’s future. We provide program management and objective studies and analyses to the national security, homeland security, and public policy communities. ANSER also builds and leads technology development collaborations through its subsidiary, Advanced Technology International (ATI), specializing in organizing and managing research and development consortia on behalf of the federal government. ANSER’s headquarters is in Falls Church, Virginia and has offices in Colorado Springs, Colorado and Belcamp, Maryland. For more information visit: